Undoubtedly, developer Infinity Ward has put a lot of care into crafting the popular free-to-play title in the Call of Duty Franchise. But despite that, they have been unable to keep a closure on the various issues found in the game like the Error Code Diver or Error Code Vivacious. Another on
With the recent release of Gummy Cat’s Bear and Breakfast on PC this week, many eager beavers are keen to know if gamers should expect a console release in the near future. With the game already planned for Nintendo Switch, it’s understandable why owners of other consoles are expecting thi
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I don't how you'd react to River City Saga: Three Kingdoms if you weren't a massive River City Ransom mark as a kid. Three Kingdoms essentially is River City Ransom. Both games are free-roaming beat-'em-ups with simple graphics and goofy humor, but in Saga, you're rampaging acro
I don't how you'd react to River City Saga: Three Kingdoms if you weren't a massive River City Ransom mark as a kid. Three Kingdoms essentially is River City Ransom. Both games are free-roaming beat-'em-ups with simple graphics and goofy humor, but in Saga, you're rampaging acro
High-end controller manufacturer Scuf is releasing a new line of PS5 controllers designed for competitive players in mind.
By Steven Petite on December 7, 2021 at 10:00AM PST
Although the PS5's DualSense controller is pretty awesome, it's been the only real option for play
Many of you will harbour fondness for the PS Vita and its predecessor the PSP, and understandably so – both were superb portable systems. But with the likelihood of Sony making another extremely low, this may just be the next best thing: an officially licensed Backbone One, which works in ta